#1 Active Directory security assessment community tool

Active Directory, Azure AD (now called Entra ID), and Okta vulnerabilities can give attackers virtually unrestricted access to your organization’s network and resources. Semperis built Purple Knight—a free AD, Azure AD, and Okta security assessment tool—to help you discover indicators of exposure (IoEs) and indicators of compromise (IoCs) in your hybrid AD environment. Download Purple Knight and dramatically reduce your AD attack surface today.
  • 10,000+ downloads (and counting)
  • 150+ IoEs and IoCs
  • 45% AD attack surface reduction

Forest Druid

Stop chasing AD attack paths. Focus on your Tier 0 perimeter.

Avoid common Active Directory attacks

AD, Azure AD (now called Entra ID), and Okta security audit

Indicators of Exposure and Indicators of Compromise

Community-driven AD threat intelligence

MITRE ATTACK correlation

Discover the power of Purple Knight!

Uncover potential threats in your environments with a comprehensive analysis of your security score. This video will guide you through Purple Knight’s innovative features, showcasing how the free security assessment tool can fortify your data security and resilience against cyber threats.

Uncover your AD, Azure AD (now called Entra ID), and Okta security vulnerabilities in minutes.

With an Active Directory security audit, spot threats before attackers do

Find AD, Azure AD, and Okta security gaps with Purple Knight. Perform a comprehensive set of tests against the most common and effective attack vectors to find risky configurations and security vulnerabilities.

Identify and prioritize Active Directory security gaps for remediation.

Gain visibility into your hybrid AD security posture with the Purple Knight report. See your AD, Azure AD, and Okta security audit scores in five categories, plus get prescriptive guidance from identity security experts to help you prioritize remediation efforts.

Fix AD, Azure AD (now Entra ID), and Okta security threats that attackers can exploit.

Use Purple Knight's prioritized, expert guidance to systematically address AD, Azure AD, and Okta misconfigurations and unpatched vulnerabilities—for example, admin accounts with old passwords and enabled admin accounts that are inactive.

Validate hybrid AD security posture over time.

Run Purple Knight’s AD security audit periodically to guard against misconfigurations that can accumulate over time and degrade hybrid AD environment security if left unchecked.

Do you know your AD security vulnerabilities?

Purple Knight users report an initial security score of 68%—a barely passing grade.The guidance provided with the assessment can systematically close AD security gaps, reducing the attack surface by up to 45%. Learn how these Purple Knight users hardened security posture of their AD environments.


security indicators

Purple Knight scans for known vulnerabilities and emerging threats discovered by our team of expert threat researchers

Indicators of exposure (IOEs)

Scan your hybrid Active Directory environment to uncover risky configurations that attackers can easily exploit.

Indicators of compromise (IOCs)

Shine a light on evidence of compromise, which can signal an in-progress cyberattack in your Active Directory environment.